Saturday, January 29, 2011

How to Communicate Effectively : Chapter #1

Communicating through speech

Image:Beijing Apt Meeting 1560.jpg

1 . Be articulate
It is important to speak clearly, so that the message comes across in a way that every listener can understand. Articulate talk is talk that gets remembered because people instantly understand what it is that you are saying. It means uttering your words distinctly, preferring simpler words over more complex ones, and speaking at a level guaranteed to be heard but without coming across as too loud, overly excited, or disengaged.
  • Avoid mumbling. Sound out the words clearly and openly, with the intent to have them heard without error. If mumbling is a defensive habit that you have fallen into out of fear of communicating, practice your message at home in front of the mirror. Discuss what you want to communicate with those you feel comfortable around first, to better develop the message in your own mind. Both the practice and the development of your words for the messaging will build your confidence.
2 . Listen actively. 
Communication is a two-way street and requires you to listen as well as talk. Remember that while you are talking, you are not learning. In listening, you will be able to gauge how much of your message is getting through to your listeners and whether or not it is being received correctly or is being misinterpreted. It can be helpful to ask listeners to rephrase some of what you have said in their own words if they appear to be returning confused or mistaken views to you.

3 . Be vocally interesting. 
A monotone is not pleasing to the ear. A good communicator will use "vocal color" to enhance the communication. Norma Michael recommends raising the pitch and volume of your voice when you transition from one topic or point to another, and to increase your volume and slow down your voice whenever you are raising a special point or summing up.She also recommends speaking briskly but pausing to emphasize keywords when you are requesting action.

Be attentive when listening and ensure that your facial expressions reflect your interest 

That's It For Communicating through speech, Visit Us Next Saturday To get The next Chapiter .

SOON : How to Communicate Effectively : Chapter 2
                         Organizing your communications
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