Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How to Stay Awake All Night

So you can't sleep, got some important work or study that needs to be DONE, or just want to say: ''hey, I haven't slept''
These steps and tips, should help you.
1 . Get some rest before the Event
If you plan on staying awake the all night, be sure to get a good night sleep the night before.

2 . Carbohydrates 
Also, make sure you eat a healthy dinner with lots of Carbohydrates for slow burning energy. This is hard to do if it's a "on-the-spot all nighter."

3 . WATER. 
Have Ice Cold water available at all times. And drink it, water is so much better than caffeine. The chill wakes you up, water is healthy. Staying up all night is not healthy, adding bad products found in energy drinks isn't good plus, caffeine will make you crash after a few hours.

4 . Keep the lights on, and the TV on, or music. 
The lights will keep your mind from thinking it's "Bed time" and the TV/Music will keep you occupied, mind thinking.
  • Although if studying/working, don't put a TV show/music that will distract you.
5 . Eat foods with good nutrients. 
B12 found in cheese and dairy products is good for energy, so are fruits like apples and oranges, which contain Protein and Vitamin C. Some good food would be Chopped up apple, Lemon juice and sugar, mix it all up. It's cold, refreshing, good nutrients and the "Sour" bit doesn't hurt.

6 . Have some good company. 
If you have a friend who's staying awake with you, make sure you are talk a lot, it's harder to fall asleep with someone else. Instant messaging and other things like that also help.

7 . Keep the mind occupied, if you're not studying/working. 
Don't just sit there, bored. You will soon find yourself asleep, unless you are staying awake because you can't sleep. Eg, play a video game, do a quiet hobby, read a book. Though it could be hard to stay awake while you read a book.

8 . Be prepared for early morning. 
The early morning 7-8am is the hard time. This is when you should go to the shop, buy a Small Sports drink, and take the dogs for a 1 hour walk on the beach. The fresh air works wonders, and the sports drink will give you that boost. (Sports drink, like powerade, not energy drinks like redbull)

9 . Know that the following day will be very difficult. 
The next day can also be hard. Make sure you stay occupied and take an energy drink near the end of it. Or before the exam, etc. It will give you the final boost to do the task, and then you can sleep.
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