Saturday, November 6, 2010

38 Ways To Be Annoying On Facebook

1 . Correct peoples atrocious spelling

2 . Post random characters as comments in status updates asking if anyone is having trouble with facebook.

3 . “Like” bad news status updates.

4 . Tag yourself into pictures you aren’t in

5 . Tag other people into pictures they aren’t in

6 . Create loads of groups and invite everyone

7 .  Ignore all requests

8 . Create a group claiming one thing, wait until you get lots of members then change the name to something totally different. The more offensive/obnoxious the better

9 . Publish every quiz you take, game you play, group you join, thing you like to your news feed

10 . Update your status at least every 15 minutes, no matter how mundane

11 . Write notes, lots of them, tag everyone in

12 . Comment on people’s status then delete it straight away. They’ll still get the notification

13 . Take hundreds of pictures on your nights out, upload them all. Tag everyone and everything

14 . Post replies to status updates on people’s wall

15 . Find people you went to school with and haven’t seen in years, comment on how fat/old/poor they look

16 . Join groups claiming to have a target set for specific dates, wait until the date passes and then congratulate them on their failure

17 . Allude to being a member of a hidden group that doesn’t actually exist

18 . When people post song lyrics as status updates, reply with the artist and track title (you get extra points for year of release and album title)

19 . Invent random national status update days and see if anyone joins in

20 . Invite people to events you have no intention of going to

21 . Accepte to events you have no intention of going to

22 . Join conflicting groups at the same time, so they appear in the news feed together

23. Friend request everyone who pops up on the suggestion list

24 . Delete people you don’t really like but added out of politeness, claim that facebook isn’t working properly when they notice

25 . Poke everyone even if they aren’t your friend

26 . When you go on holiday update your status everyday letting people know how hot it is

27 . Complain about the privacy settings, but post your every movement

28 . Post from the toilet letting people know exactly what you are doing

29 . Give yourself a comedy name

30 . List random people as your siblings

31 . Upload a profile picture that obviously isn’t you

32 . Start an r.i.p group when “bad” people die

33 . Start r.i.p groups for people who are still alive and well
34 . Misspell your own name , never change it
35 . Post that it’s your dogs birthday
36 . Talk about yourself in the third person
37 . Post a deeply personal and emotional status update, hinting at troubling times. Ignore all following replies
38 . Make a duplicate account of someone … anyone. Make it identical in everyway. Request all of their friends saying you accidentally deleted them.Report the original account as someone impersonating you

ENJOY Being Annoying 
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